
0577-5788 8018
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               Hangzhou Kaiwei valve group Co.,Ltd. located on the Banks of the qiantang river in hangzhou binjiang high-tech zone, is a collection of high-medium pressure valves research and development, design, casting, production and sales and service as one of the high-tech enterprises, has to undertake national torch plan projects, has strong research and development level and rich industry experience, fully meet the various needs of customers, is committed to providing customers with the best industrial valve solutions.

  • 上一頁:Fujian Province Datong Reciprocity Valve Co., Ltd.
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地址:浙江省永嘉縣甌北街道碧桂園1幢1單元2901   |     電話:0577-5788 8028   |   0577-5788 8018     |     傳真:0577-5788 8108
手機:139 6897 3718   |   Web:Http://m.nextlevelfuturestrading.com   |   E-mail:fs@fs-ad.cn   |  QQ:28814 25378   |  QQ:28814 25377
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